Monday, December 5, 2011

Well Today is CD1 and I'm kinda bummed out. Last week around 9dpo I took a pregnancy test and it came back + then the next day took another one and it was+ as well. We were excited, we though yeah about damn time. But then I took one the next day and it was - and I started spotting :( from then out the test were all - and the spotting continued until today to start my cycle all over :(
Not sure if that's what a chemical pregnancy is or not I think it is but no the less it sucks!!!
So now I'm sitting here thinking about this next cycle and wondering what to do differently. I have one more round of clomid I can do to see if that would help, and of course the temping will be done but what else can I do? I have baby fever so bad I would do just about anything to be pregnant and have a take home baby!! Guess I will check out the web and see what all I could do to increase my chances this cycle. Will be ordering my opk's and everything else tomorrow. SO good night for now :)
Well I wanted to start a journal of our TTC journey but after talking to a few others its seems that blogging is the new way to do things. SO here I am attempting to start my very first blog.

So I guess the best place to start would be to start with my husband and I. Well May 29 2006 I married my best friend. We had known each other a year and knew pretty early that we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together. Plus to add to the excitement of the wedding we was going to have a baby!!! We both were beyond excited this was the first baby for either of us at the age of 23 and 26. Caleb was born Aug 9th 2006 at 1:33 am a healthy, happy bouncing baby boy who will forever hold mommy and daddy in the palms of his little hands.

When Caleb was around 2 we (well mostly I) wanted to have another baby, which leads us to where we are now :( . Last year we came close but unfortunatly  we lost the baby very early. 

I have been checked by my obgyn and told that there was no reason as to why I should not be having another baby and that my tubes looked good and my uterus looked great actually he said I had a "cute" uterus lol.  So I'm going to start blogging my TTC journey as of today after almost 3 years of trying and 4 rounds of Clomid.